Is the Supreme Court becoming supreme again based upon truth, multi-cultural democracy, and righteousness as its cornerstones for all Americans? America, there are two things...
As President George W. Bush famously said, “Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?” Although often quoted with a chuckle, the answer is...
No moral judgment is being made by this editorial. Moral judgments are strictly left up to the readers. The editorial writer will only state spiritual,...
Multi-sport athletes are known to have better athleticism, various skills, discipline, and outstanding leadership development. Houston born upcoming senior Shawn Haenicke-Prevost has surely mastered it...
Shaquille O’Neal has had a relationship with Houston for many years. More recently, his son, Shaquir O’Neal, decided to play basketball for Texas Southern University....
Houston’s Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) leadership is working hard to engage the community to raise funds to maintain and improve its programming. So, partnering...
“HAUL acknowledges the inherent significance of empowering individuals to influence their own trajectories, championing their civil liberties, and cultivating an environment of equitable treatment within...
Affirmative Action is defined as, “an active effort to improve employment or educational opportunities for members of minority groups and for women.” It was created...
Lord Alfred Tennyson emphatically referred to a dictatorial King when he stated: “Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die.”...
African American News & Issues, Commentary
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a movement that was created to tackle issues surrounding racism, discrimination, inequality, and social justice against Black people. Started in...