March 26, 2025


America, it is impossible to legislate personal morality, because the law is no more just than those who are responsible for the administration of the...

By: Dr. John E. Warren While many are watching developing court cases and the treatment of Blacks and people of color as both victims and...

White supremacists love their narratives of America. They spoon feed it to their children and force feed it to people of color. When Francis Scott...

It is extremely difficult for Americans to hold a positive view of the future because of “Base Politics.” When a political party is entrenched in...

By: Dr. John E. Warren Veterans Day was created as “Armistice Day” on November 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War...

Prostituting the truth is abnormality to the nth degree, because when individuals prostitute the truth they normalize abnormality and deviancy (sin). Christian Right Evangelicals, The...

Politics in American society is no longer about public service and servant leadership but has become selfish self-service. Sadly, the political culture of The GOP...

Is racial identity simply about skin-tone? Individuals who profess Christianity ought to know that it has nothing to do with their skin-tone, but everything to...

By: Dr. John E. Warren The State of Texas has become the model of how to kill democracy, enhance voter suppression, expand open carry gun...

For ungodly reasons too many Americans are losing their ability to critically think and analyze. Consequently, these individuals are becoming useful idiots who allow others...
