America, we can count on this eternal truth: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24: 35). Let’s...
It has been said that “Texas has four of the 10 least educated cities in the country and only one of the 10 most educated...
There is an ole saying among Blacks: Whites do it, so let’s do it. Consequently, all Black people understand that we have been spiritually and...
Where do we draw the line? A development company is seeking to build on a site the company owns in the Heights community adjacent to...
American society is becoming spiritually and socio-economically unraveled because of vanity. What is the cause of unbridled vanity in American society? We all know: “For...
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a movement that was created to tackle issues surrounding racism, discrimination, inequality, and social justice against Black people. Started in...
Is the Supreme Court becoming supreme again based upon truth, multi-cultural democracy, and righteousness as its cornerstones for all Americans? America, there are two things...
Affirmative Action is defined as, “an active effort to improve employment or educational opportunities for members of minority groups and for women.” It was created...
Lord Alfred Tennyson emphatically referred to a dictatorial King when he stated: “Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die.”...
African American News & Issues, Commentary
Watered Down Slavery
If you haven’t looked at the new standards for teaching Black history in Florida, it is utterly ridiculous and insulting. Ben Crump said, “This irresponsible...