March 25, 2025


By Earl Ofari Hutchinson Let’s crunch some numbers in the 2016 presidential election. Trump and rival Hillary Clinton made a combined 250 plus official campaign...

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson The Central Park 5 has been the textbook poster case for the one thing that has consistently and horribly racially disfigured...

Earl Ofari Hutchinson Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered more than a half century ago in Memphis. Then FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover has...

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson When word leaked out that Trump would appoint Ben Carson as HUD Secretary, no one seemed more taken aback than Carson....

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson Grady Wayne Wilkes, armed, guns down one Auburn, Alabama police officer and wounds two others. Pamela Turner, unarmed, is gunned down...

By Oscar H. Blayton Have you ever noticed that when driving through the southern United States you are hard-pressed to find a city or town...

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson One week before the 65th anniversary, May 17, of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education landmark school desegregation case, a...

By Oscar H. Blayton $174,000.00 – That’s what every member of the House of Representatives receives in salary each year. Every member, that is, except...
