October 22nd, 2024

Photo credit: AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Bobby E. Mills, PhD

Two thousand years ago Jesus walked along the shores of the Galilee Sea proclaiming a higher calling; asking individuals to form a community, spiritually acknowledging and embracing the reality of God. “And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net in the sea; for they were Fishers. And he saith unto them, “Come Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.” (Matthew 4: 18-20). Oftentimes, in the twenty-first century, many pastoral leaders say they have been called by God, but few are chosen, because everyone that says Lord, Lord does not mean it. Therefore, judging by the ungodly political nature and character of American society few have been chosen by God. Seemingly the pastoral heart’s desire of too many Christian Right Evangelical pastors is material empire building, fishing for money, and not shepherding souls. Jesus warned us about false prophets, and told us to remain prayerful, because: “There shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew signs and wonders: insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24: 24).

Christian Right Evangelical pastoral leaders these are difficult spiritual times in which we live. Convoluted demonic socio-political-ideas have fueled racial-cultural-divisions among Americans, and America is on the brink of internal-moral-collapse (Civil-Cultural-Divisions). Christian Right Evangelicals do not repeat history that is the mistakes of the past. Learn from the past, e.g., the annihilation of Native Americans. Thus, America, let’s embrace the future that God has spiritually ordained: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that that are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Right that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…”

The moral walls have been torn down because of ungodly-self-centered-leadership in every sector of American society. John the Baptist preached repentance. It is definitely time for Christian Right Evangelicals to repent, and confess that their participation in the election of an ungodly man, such as, Donald J. Trump to the Office of President was an abomination to both God as well as humankind. Of course, as Christians, we know that Trump is God’s permissive will, not his sovereign will. Thus, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12: 1-2). Christian Right Evangelicals, just in case you have spiritually forgotten: “The first of all commandments is, Hear, O’ Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12: 29-31). Therefore, acknowledging this spiritual inspiration from the Holy Bible does not make an individual weak, it makes an individual better, and not bitter. Get Right with God, because: “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” (Hebrews 9: 27).

Christian Right Evangelical pastors you need to begin preaching something, other than material empire building, and get the money, get the money, any kind of way get the money. Know this: all money is not good money, because: “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” (1 Timothy 6: 10). For God’s sake, Christian Right Evangelical pastors say something, because you should spiritually know: “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1: 7).

Without a doubt, these are difficult times for godly Christian believers that know him (Jesus), because unfortunately the twenty first century is characterized by the sinfulness of vanity, greed and licentious (sexual-pleasure-principle). Moreover, get the money, get the money, any kind of way acquire money has become America’s battle-cry, not the Battle Hymn of the Republic. In fact, the inscription on money: In God We Trust has become a spiritually deceptive way to position money as god.

A spiritual admonishment to wise Christian Right Evangelical pastoral leaders, do not become lifetime card-carrying-members of the I don’t Know Him Club. Christian Right Evangelical pastors, you know Him, but you refuse to obey the Two Great Commandments of Jesus, and teach the truth of God in and out of season from God’s pulpit, not your pulpit. Therefore, Christian Right Evangelicals, do not become like Peter start out hot, wax cold, and ungodly politicians rat you out, and you end-up professing by your actions, in-actions, and silence: I Don’t Know Him; when they come to eat-up your flesh. Above all, remember, Jesus established the Christian Church upon Peter’s declaration of faith, and therefore, “the just shall live by his faith.” (Habakkuk 2:4). Hence, let your light so shine before the ungodly; especially ungodly political leaders that they might see your good works, and ask “what must I do in order to be saved”. In fact, your daily prayer ought to be the prayer of the prophet Habakkuk: “O’Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O’Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.” (Habakkuk 3: 1-2).

During the Civil Rights Movement of the sixties, because of the deafening silence and ungodly criticism of many Christian leaders regarding non-violent protest marches, Dr. King, wrote the letter from the Birmingham jail. My, oh my, what would Dr. King write today regarding the deafening silence of Christian Right Evangelical pastors as the spiritual-moral-democratic foundation of American society is being ripped apart by notions of ungodly white nationalism? For Heaven’s sake, let your spiritual eyes see the coming of the Glory of the Lord! Therefore, in conclusion, Christian Right Evangelicals, as well as, the illustrious President Donald J. Trump: what color is an individual’s immortal SOUL? Christian Righters, God has chosen you, the question is: judging from your silence have you chosen God? Or do you have lock-jaw? Selah!

October 16, 2023, HOUSTON, TX – Congressional Candidate Amanda Edwards has raised over $1 million in less than 4 months, a substantial sum that helps bolster the frontrunner status of the former At-Large Houston City Council Member in her bid for U.S. Congress. Edwards raised over $433,000 in Q3 of 2023. This strong Q3 report expands on a successful Q2 where Edwards announced just 11 days after declaring her candidacy that she had raised over $600,000. With over $829,000 in cash-on-hand at the end of the September 30th financial reporting period, Edwards proves again that she is the clear frontrunner in the race. “I am beyond grateful for the strong outpouring of support that will help me to win this race and serve the incredible people of the 18th Congressional District,” said Edwards. “We are at a critical juncture in our nation’s trajectory, and we need to send servant leaders to Congress who can deliver the results the community deserves. The strong support from our supporters will help us to cultivate an 18th Congressional District where everyone in it can thrive.” Edwards said. “Amanda understands the challenges that the hard-working folks of the 18th Congressional District face because she has never lost sight of who she is or where she comes from; she was born and raised right here in the 18th Congressional District of Houston,” said Kathryn McNiel, spokesperson for Edwards’ campaign. Edwards has been endorsed by Higher Heights PAC, Collective PAC, Krimson PAC, and the Brady PAC. She has also been supported by Beto O’Rourke, among many others. About Amanda: Amanda is a native Houstonian, attorney and former At-Large Houston City Council Member. Amanda is a graduate of Eisenhower High School in Aldine ISD. Edwards earned a B.A. from Emory University and a J.D. from Harvard Law School. Edwards practiced law at Vinson & Elkins LLP and Bracewell LLP before entering public service. Edwards is a life-long member of St. Monica Catholic Church in Acres Homes. For more information, please visit www.edwardsforhouston.com

As September 13th rolls around, we extend our warmest birthday wishes to the creative powerhouse, Tyler Perry, a man whose indomitable spirit and groundbreaking work have left an indelible mark on the world of entertainment. With his multifaceted talents as an actor, playwright, screenwriter, producer, and director, Tyler Perry has not only entertained but also inspired audiences worldwide, particularly within the African-American community, where his influence and role have been nothing short of powerful. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1969, Tyler Perry’s journey to stardom was a path riddled with adversity. Raised in a turbulent household, he found refuge in writing, using it as a therapeutic outlet. This period of introspection gave rise to one of his most iconic creations, Madea, a vivacious, no-nonsense grandmother who would later become a beloved figure in Perry’s works, offering a unique blend of humor and profound life lessons. Despite facing numerous challenges, including rejection and financial struggles, Perry’s determination and unwavering belief in his abilities propelled him forward. In 1992, he staged his first play, “I Know I’ve Been Changed,” which, although met with limited success, was a pivotal moment in his career. Unfazed by initial setbacks, Perry continued to hone his craft, and by 1998, he had successfully produced a string of stage plays that showcased his storytelling prowess.

Calling all teenage student-athletes! If you have dreams of playing college soccer and wish to represent an HBCU, the HBCU ID Camp is your golden opportunity. From 8 am to 5 pm on November 11-12, Houston Sports Park will transform into a hub for aspiring male and female soccer players. Coaches from HBCUs across the nation will be present to evaluate, scout, and offer valuable feedback. Moreover, they might even spot the next soccer prodigy to join their collegiate soccer programs. This camp is not just about honing your soccer skills but also a chance to connect with the HBCU soccer community. You’ll learn the ins and outs of what it takes to excel on the field and in the classroom, which is crucial for a college athlete. The HBCU ID Camp is an excellent platform to network with coaches, learn from experienced athletes, and take the first steps toward your college soccer journey. To secure your spot at this incredible event, don’t forget to register [here](insert registration link). Space is limited to 120 participants, so make sure to reserve your place before it’s too late. It’s time to turn your dreams of playing college soccer into a reality.

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