For years, we have heard the phrase, “young people are the future.” But the truth is we are no longer the future; we are the now. We now carry the responsibility of shaping the world, setting the tone for future generations, and creating meaningful changes, there is no time to wait. Many of us get caught up in the idea that we need a certain amount of money, title, degree, or status to make an impact. We scroll through social media, comparing ourselves to influencers, entrepreneurs, and celebrities, believing that success is tied to how the world recognizes us.
That is not reality, true leadership and influence does not come from title or status, but from understanding who we are, recognizing our purpose, and stepping into our power with confidence. The beauty of being young is that we have so much to offer, so many different perspectives, we are living through the transitions of the world. Many of the gifts that we have were given to us at birth, for some of us it’s creativity, compassion, innovation, or resilience, these are the things that make us unique. Our job is not to chase someone else’s definition of success but to uncover and nurture the talents and passions that we al- ready have. If you think about the leaders and changemakers who inspire you, they did not wait for permission from the world to lead. They did not wait for a title or for the world to validate their vision. They saw a need that aligned with their purpose and acted. The same can be true for us.
Leadership is not about holding a certain position; it is about influence and intention. You can lead in your community, at your school, at your church, your job or even in your home by be- ing authentic, committed, and purposeful in your actions. Future generations are watching us, whether we realize it or not. They are looking to see how we navigate challenges, how we treat one another, and how we leave the world better than we found it. It is a big responsibility, but an incredible opportunity. This does not mean we have to have every- thing figured out. It is okay to grow, to make mistakes, and to change direction.
The only thing that matters is that we are committed to continuing to move forward using our voice and staying true to our values. The world needs us, our energy, our ideas, and our courage. Let’s stop waiting and let’s stop doubting. Be encour- aged. Let’s embrace and take advantage of the fact that we are the now, and the world is ours to shape. We don’t need approval or a certain status to step into our greatness, our job is to believe in ourselves and tap into the gifts that al- ready inside of us. The future is watching, and it starts with us. Lead with purpose, pas- sion, and the determination to create a better tomorrow. Do not wait, you can lead without the title.