March 28, 2025



Happy Valentine’s Day! The older we get, some of us might look forward to this day and the rest of us might dread it. Everything is heart- shaped, a dinner reservation becomes top priority, and our timelines are filled with everyone popping out with their “boo.” Love is “in the air”, but what about self-love?

In February 1985, Tina Turner received three grammy’s for her hit song “What’s Love Got to Do with It.” If love is just about romance, depending on who you ask the answer might be not much. But if love includes the way we see, treat, and care for ourselves then love has everything to do with it. Too often, especially in today’s world self-love can be mistaken for selfishness, but self-love should really be considered selflessness. If you love you first, you can better love everyone around you. Taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically is not a luxury but a necessity.

It is important to set boundaries, let your no be your no and let your yes be your yes. Protecting your peace and knowing your worth, is true love. Waking up every day and choosing yourself in a world that often tells you that you have to prove your value, is true love. If you can’t fully love and respect yourself, how will you be able to do that for anyone else? It’s not about perfection, because sometimes you will get it wrong, but it is about showing up for you first. The way you talk to yourself, the standards you set, the way you allow yourself to rest, heal, and grow, is true love.

Self-love isn’t just about dressing up, chocolate covered fruit, face mask, and solo dates. It’s unlearning toxic behavior, giving yourself grace, and being intentional about your happiness. Fully knowing and understanding that you are more than enough, without validation from a relationship, job, friend, or social media approval. It’s knowing that love, true love, begins within and shines outward. I encourage you to be vulnerable with yourself, acknowledge the parts of you that need healing, growth, and change. The moment you embrace all of who you are, flaws included, you unlock a love so deep that it will shape every other relationship in your life. Love is an action word, don’t just say it do it. LOVE ON YOU! So, this Valentine’s Day and every day after, whether you’re with your boo or riding solo, take a few moments to pour into yourself. It starts with you, and if you don’t love you, no one else will. And what’s love got to do with it? Everything.

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