In the history of America’s Presidency, we have had forty-six Presidents. Question: how many were spiritual moral men who used the Bible as their leadership guide? It is historically recorded that George Washington, America’s first President never told a lie, but unfortunately, he lived a lie. He lived America’s original sin by owning 600 slaves! Among America’s initial sixteen Presidents 12 were slave owners.
Slavery is an act against God, and the spiritual moral teachings of Jesus Christ. Many of America’s Presidents have had moral character failings, and President Donald J. Trump leads the immorality list, because he instigated an overthrow of America’s democratic form of government. Boldly, Trump has the unmitigated gall to seek reelection in 2024. Moral Question: what restrained House Slaves from seeking retribution on slave owners? Possible Theoretical Answers: were they the offspring of Slave Owners? Or was it the Pie in the Sky Christianity slaves were taught? Leadership is about example-setting and moral standards of civil conduct.
Jesus led by example and precepts: “If you do not believe me for what I say, believe me for my works sake.” For example, the Disciples on the Damascus Road were mumbling and grumbling among themselves concerning positional rank when they would get to the Kingdom, who would be “the greatest”, positional seating: right or left. Jesus used strong language and told them to “shut up”, and when they returned to the Upper Room”, Jesus took a pail, filled it with water, and washed their feet saying, “If you desire greatest, you must be willing to serve others” (servant leadership) (John 13: 8-17). Even the Disciples were concerned with positional rank in the Kingdom rather than Godly service to others on earth. It’s unfortunate, but the Disciples were interested in power, privilege, and positional rank in the Kingdom of God: “For all have sinned, and come short of the and Glory of God” (Romans 3: 23).
Presidential Leadership is about a vision for the future as well as the salvation of American society as a multi-cultural democratic nation state for all our children. If we continue to not take climate change seriously, and refuse to embrace scientific facts, we just might not have a planet let alone a nation-state.
The empirical facts that we have concerning the life of the Forty-fourth President suggest that he lived in a moral environment, and conducted himself in a principled, moral, and righteous manner. Obama, did do what every American should do and that is to discipline his or her mind, go to college/university, and occupationally make a meaningful contribution toward improving opportunities for every American in an inclusive democratic multi-cultural society. Obama chose a “soul mate” of stellar moral character with a Godly sense of family values: what a choice! Ungodly Christian Right Nationalists, GOP Nationalists, and White Militaristic Nationalists looked high and low to find negativity to discredit Obama, but could only manufacture a “Bold-Faced-Lie” that Obama was not born in America, but in Africa (Kenya). Shameful, Shameful, Shameful! Blacks, Whites, and many other minorities turned out in great numbers in 2008 to elect the 44th President of the USA, a Black man.
There is a GOD, who sits high and looks low, and He does answer the prayers of the Faithful. Unfortunately, the politics of White Privilege would only allow Obama to accomplish so much, even the Majority leader of the Senate stated: “You got elected, but our (GOP) mission is to make you a one-term” President. The fervent Prayers of the Black community were simply that The Obamas did not disgrace themselves or the country with ungodly deeds, scandals, and actions. The Black community was overjoyed after eight years of the Obama Presidency, because all of US know that White Privilege is a type-casting-system (society). The Obama family without a doubt was the most Godfearing and moral family to ever occupy The White House (The Peoples House). It must be said without reservation that James Earl Carter was the other Godfearing moral President that occupied The Presidency, in The White House. America, “For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of ourselves: it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any many should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto Good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2: 8-10). Amen!