Journalist at center of racist email scandal found guilty

A Delaware County, Pennsylvania, jury found journalist Nik Hatziefstathiou guilty of all charges, marking the end of a trial wrought with scandals, questions about press freedoms, and a police officer who previously provided the defendant with a stolen taser that led to the cop’s prosecution and ouster from the force. The 12-member jury deliberated for less than three hours before returning guilty verdicts on two counts of forgery and identity theft, three counts of unsworn falsifications to authorities, and one count of tampering with public records or information. Known as “Nik the Hat,” Hatziefstathiou recently stepped down from his editor-in-chief role at Your Content News. He’s also the CEO of Original Media Group Corp. Hatziefstathiou faces sentencing in November. In 2019, Hatziefstathiou claimed that a high-ranking Delaware County Adult & Parole Supervisor had sent racist emails to others in a headline news story. “Good morning,” the supervisor purportedly wrote in an email that found its way splashed across the top of Hatziefstathiou’s Your Content News website. “You do not have to worry about job security … ROFL … so long as there’s a nigger in our county, you will have a full slate.” The email continues, “Make sure he registers as a [redacted] before applying. They’re extremely strict about that. Can’t have a bunch of [gang-bang] loving [redacted] in here … ha.” Hatziefstathiou cited more than two dozen county officials in a report that said all applicants in Delaware County must register as a Republican for hiring considerations. Also, he reported that the Delaware County Department of Adult Probation & Parole employs no African Americans, and 1 percent of the Delaware County District Attorney’s Office are Black. The 2019 story caused an uproar throughout Pennsylvania. Because of the article, state legislators and Black activists led protests outside the Delaware County District Attorney’s Office. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania requested Hatziefstathiou turn over the emails. Prosecutors said Hatziefstathiou made up the story and used fake identities to carry out the ruse. Detective Edmond Pisani testified that officials “jumped into high gear” investigating the email but could […]

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