A police officer’s job is to serve and protect the citizens of the community. They are not “errand boys,” “personal attendants, “or “chauffeurs.” Texas Southern University (TSU) is currently under scrutiny regarding Mary Young, who serves as Police Chief for the campus. She told her officers to stop doing “duties” for President Dr. Lesia L. Crump-Young, that is not part of their job description. When Young told them to stop, the university wanted her removed from her position and accused her of fraud. This fraud was due to the fact that the university is “understaffed.” Fortunately, the judge granted an order that will allow Chief Young to keep her job temporarily.
Success is the greatest cause of failure! Someone once said that, “The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.” It was further noted that the path to success is longer than the path to failure. When some people get in certain high positions, they tend to forget where they come from. They think they have “made it,” and take advantage of the newfound power they have. They feel entitled, powerful, and untouchable. They don’t realize that at any given moment, that title and power can be stripped away just as fast as they received it. Success takes longer than failure because of the different obstacles and challenges one must face to get there. For failure, it only takes one element to bring you down.
With so much happening on school campuses regarding violence and shootings, police officers are needed more now than ever. And for campus police, they not only handle crime that occurs on their campus but in the community that surrounds their campus as well. If police officers are tending to the president and her needs, they are taking time away from protecting and serving.
Society has created selfish individuals who do not think about anyone else and how their actions can impact others. President Crumpton-Young has only been president at TSU for a little over a year. According to Chief Young and her attorney, she was simply doing her job.
When you’re in a powerful position, it is important to be humble, respect everyone, help everyone below you and treat them as you would want to be treated.