March 28, 2025

The Love Your Life Event at Lakewood church was very uplifting and inspiring. The purpose of the event was to celebrate women and give them a night of worship, fun, and encouragement. With Over 13,000 women in attendance, it was amazing to see a diverse group of women who came from different backgrounds and every different walk of life.

The event started with worship as Lakewood’s praise team led many uplifting songs that brought many women on their feet worshipping and giving praises to God. You could truly feel the spirit in the room and see the weight that some women have been carrying from everyday life leave them so they could worship freely.

After praise and worship, Pastor Victoria Osteen greeted and welcomed everyone to the event and even introduced the special guest that were in attendance which included Jamie Kern Lima and Sarah Jakes Roberts. Lima shared her personal story that many don’t hear about how she turned her business that started in her living room into a billion-dollar company. Her story was very inspiring as she encouraged women to keep following their dreams and when people say no, keep searching for the one yes that you need. She also encouraged women to embrace who they are and to trust “that knowing” when everyone seems to doubt you. She stated, “No one can tell you you’re not the right fit. No one can tell you how big your God size dreams can be.” She also mentioned how fearless she is now regarding rejection and that the rejection is simply God’s protection.” In her speech, she concluded with “Turn down the volume on your self-doubt and turn up the volume on what He says about you and your knowing.”

After the inspiring speech by Kern Lima, Sarah Jakes Robert took us to church through her powerful sermon. People were on their feet within the first minute of her sermon as she spoke with such power and grace. Her authentic spirit along with her comedic side truly kept the audience engaged and present. Her sermon was about Ruth and Naomi and the way she broke down the text allowed women to understand the text and reflect on how they can apply the information to their own life. She talked about different topics such as suffering, fear, anxiety, disappointment and how those things “are not the end of you but the beginning…You’re going to learn to love your life not because everything went well but because God turned it for good.” She made it known that it can be difficult to love your life, and how we must love the God who created this life for us. Roberts said a lot of things that women could connect and relate to. Roberts was very strong in her delivery and how she empowered women to love the life they have.

This was a phenomenal event that touched the lives of so many women. If you have a chance to attend this event next year, make sure you attend as it is one event you definitely don’t want to miss.

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