March 25, 2025

By: Harris County Clerk’s Office Election’s Department

Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth announced today that the Republican and Democratic Parties in Texas’ largest county have agreed to conduct a joint election during the March 5, 2024 Primary election cycle.  is means that the two political parties will jointly hold the election in common precincts, and voters from both parties will be able to cast ballots using the same voting equipment on Election Day. In previous years, the parties have held separate primary elections.


“Conducting a Joint Primary will be a first in the history of Harris County,” said Clerk Hudspeth, the County’s Chief Election Official. “I commend the Chairs of each party and their executive committees for their due diligence in arriving at an accord that addresses the challenges presented by new legislation and best serves Republican and Democratic Primary voters.”


Senate Bill 924, passed during the 2023 Legislative session, provides that voting precincts cannot be combined in the conduct of a primary election. As a result, the political parties must open significantly more polling locations for their primaries, making it more challenging to conduct separate elections due to a lack of resources.


“For Democratic and Republican primary voters, this year’s joint aspect of the Election Day voting process will be familiar. It is the same voting process used for years in the conduct of early voting during Primary Elections, and it is the same Election Day voting process used when voting in a November election,” added Clerk Hudspeth. In Texas, primary elections take place on the  first Tuesday in March in even numbered years.  The primary elections determine a political party’s nominees for the November general election.


Aside from the approval of the county chairs of participating parties and the county elections o cer, the governing authority of the County must approve the joint election agreement via resolution. For more election information, visit www. or call 713-755-6965. For news and updates, follow the County Clerk’s O ce on social media at @ HarrisVotes and @ HarrisCoTxClerk.

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