March 26, 2025

Houston Black American Democrats

H-BAD Members, Friends, and Supporters:

For our June General Body Meeting, we are hosting a joint legislative session recap event with Senate District 13 Democrats and the Black Precinct Chairs’ Caucus.

Join us on Tuesday, June 18, 2019, from 6PM to 8PM, at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, 3826 Wheeler Ave for “The 2019 Texas Legislative Session: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.”

This will be an issue-based discussion with a panel of local legislators. The purpose of this event is to educate voters on specific bills that were considered during the 86th Texas Legislature, and to identify issues that our communities need addressed in the 87th Texas Legislature.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Chair Menefee and Arva Howard.

Plan to attend? Let us know by clicking “going” on our Facebook event.

Draft Amended and Restated By Laws
At this meeting/event, we will also facilitate voting on the Draft Amended and Restated bylaws by paper ballot. Paid H-BAD members will be provided voting credentials and a ballot, which they will complete and turn in to Vice Chair Audrie Lawton by the end of the event. The board will announce the results soon-thereafter. If you are viewing this email from a computer, you can download a copy of the draft amended bylaws by clicking here, and a copy of the current bylaws here.

Renew your H-BAD Membership!
It’s time to renew your H-BAD membership for 2019 (dues run from January 1 to December 31)! As dues-paying members, we each take a tangible step toward furthering the work that H-BAD does on behalf of Black communities in Houston.

Here’s how you can renew your continued commitment to H-BAD:
1. Complete this membership application.
2. Pay your $50 dues – you can do so (a) via the Cash App link in the membership application (when paying in Cash App, be sure to include your full name in the “For” line); (b) via Google Pay (send to [email protected] – be sure to use the same email address as the address you provided in the membership application); *or* (c) via check (mail to Houston Black American Democrats, PO Box 2252, Houston, Texas 77253)

– H-BAD Executive Board

Christian Menefee – Chair
Audrie Lawton – 1st Vice Chair
Almeda Dent – 2nd Vice Chair
Elvonte Patton – Treasurer
Elisabeth Johnson – Recording Secretary
Charles Miles – Corresponding Secretary
Joy Dawson-Thomas – Finance Secretary
Rashad Cave – Sergeant at Arms

*Like and follow our social media pages*
Facebook: Houston Black American Democrats
Instagram: @Houstonblackdems
Twitter: @HouBlackDems

Source: H-BAD

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