March 28, 2025

There is an ole adage: “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. The Depart- ment of Government Efficien- cy (DOGE) serves as a prime example. Cutting waste and fraud in government opera- tions is an excellent worthy goal. However, the method of achievement is the question of questions, because we all know that Trump is not a fiscal conservative. Six bank- ruptcies stand as substantial empirical evidence. Trump loves to spend the money of other people. In fact, Presi- dent Donald J. Trump pre- fers money over people, and we all know: “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. This too is vanity.” (Ecclesias- tes 5: 10). President Trump in- variably will position personal interests above national in- terests. Every workday in the week, and twice on Sundays, because he has absolutely no God conscience. Question: did President Trump and his family attend Sunday church services during his first term? During one public appear- ance, President Trump was seen holding a Bible upside- down in front of a church while decrying issues related to civil protests and the right to peacefully assemble. Sadly, Trump is recruiting the exact same governing mentality as Cabinet Secretaries and Department Officials.

Pam Bondi, the newly confirmed Attorney General, pledged to execute, defend, and prose- cute with objectivity and fair- ness during her confirmation hearing. Immediately, after Justice Clarence Thomas administered the constitutional oath of office, Bondi began to enact Trump’s revenge programmatic agenda. The ceremonial symbolism itself was revelatory, because Justice Thomas is not lawfully credit- able. Every American should know by now that it is absolutely nothing for a MAGA Republican to lie, break the law, and refuse to acknowledge that lying is the beginning of sin, societal confusion and socio-economic discord. Lest we, never forget, the devil told Eve the first lie, and since that time, it’s been hell on earth rather than peace.

President Trump has assembled a White Privilege Governing Cult; unlike none other ever seen in modern times. At least, George Wallace was honest with himself when he stated after being defeated the first-time in the Governor’s race in Alabama: “I really do not believe what I am saying. I am only saying what I am saying to get elected. Initially, when I lost the Governor’s race, I got “Out-Niggered” by my opponent”. On the other hand, President Trump has assembled a governing body of true White Supremacy believers. One of Elon Musk’s twenty- three-year-old “DOGE” officials is an open public racist, not an undercover racist. His embarrassing comments and behavior led to his public dismissal.

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