March 31, 2025
Chosen Birthday

Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in 1818, but he didn’t know the exact day. After escaping slavery and becoming a free man, he chose to celebrate his birthday on February 14th. This was a powerful choice for Douglass, because it allowed him to take control of his life and his story. Slavery had taken so much from him, including the right to know and celebrate his birth. By picking his own birthday, Douglass was making a statement about freedom and self-worth. 


Douglass had a tough start in life. He was separated from his mother when he was just a baby and raised by his maternal grandmother and grandfather. Despite being kept from learning to read and write, Douglass found ways to educate himself. As he grew older, he escaped slavery and made his way to the North, where he became one of the most famous abolitionists, fighting to end slavery. Douglass’ choice of February 14th as his birthday was a way of taking control of his life and saying he was free, and he mattered. 


Valentine’s Day is known today as a day to show love and appreciation, often through giving cards, gifts, or flowers. But the history behind the day is much older, deeper, and richer. Some people believe it started with St. Valentine, a priest in ancient Rome. The emperor at the time, didn’t allow young people to marry because he thought single men made better soldiers. St. Valentine secretly performed marriages for young couples. For defying the emperor’s orders, St. Valentine was arrested and later killed on February 14th, around the year 269 AD. Over time, people began to connect February 14th with love and kindness. 


While today, Valentine’s Day is often about romantic love, Douglass’ birthday on this day adds a deeper meaning. It’s about love for freedom, love for justice, and love for all the people who were fighting alongside him. The holiday itself has changed over the years. In the past, it was a day for feasts and games, and only later did it become about romantic love and exchanging gifts. 


Today, we think of Valentine’s Day as a time to celebrate love, whether it’s with friends, family, a partner, or yourself. But Douglass’ connection to this day reminds us that love isn’t just about gifts and cards, it’s also about standing up for what’s right, fighting for freedom, and showing kindness to others. By choosing Valentine’s Day as his birthday, Douglass was making a powerful statement, that love is not only about affection between people, but also about fighting for the dignity and freedom of every human being.

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