By Tyler Doggett
The Texas Association of African-American Chambers of Commerce is hosting their Annual Conference; celebrating 30 years of service to the community. But,what is the TAAACC? To understand the roots they’ve planted which has strengthened the ecosystem of the Black community, first you have to understand its history stretches far beyond three decades.
The chamber pushes towards a unified Black front with the goal of “advocacy, research and training”, which elevates Texas business and brings more ownership to our communities. “Texas has been leading in the formation of business. Unfortunately, many of those aren’t located within the Black community,” Charles O’Neal said in an exclusive interview.
Being one of the oldest Black business leagues in America, their true lineage stretches back to the mid 1920’s, providing a strong foundation for Black entrepreneurs to grow and cultivate their professional practices. Throughout the decades, the tremors can still be felt and now, are personified to reverberate throughout the “Lone Star” state.
“We are justifiably proud of our record of service to Texas’ Black Chambers and their members over the past three decades,” TAAACC Chairman Christopher Herring said. He further added, “One session will feature a retrospective conversation with all former chairs of TAAACC.”
The theme of this historic event, “We’re on a Mission,” embodies the fortitude of this organization by recognizing what makes the Chamber a pillar within the community. Using their resources, experience and influence within the local Texas Black communities ensures new opportunities are accessible for Black businessmen and women within the state. More and more businesses are migrating to the “Lone Star” state, as Texas establishes itself as one of the leading forces in job creation
“As always, our goal is to present information that both chambers and businessleaders can use to be more effective in pursuit of our common goal – stronger,more profitable businesses that understand business’ role in solving thechallenges faced by Black Texans,” said Charles O’Neal,President of TAAACC. “The dynamic growth of Texas’ Black population coupledwith exponential growth in the number of Black-owned businesses puts Texassquarely among national leaders in efforts to improve Black lives by creatingsolutions.”
The convention will be filled with insightful and thought-provoking seminars and exercises instilling a new perspective to African-American community.
“Among the popular presentations this year is our annual Texas Economic Outlook, delivered by Washington, DC-based economist William Michael Cunningham. We are especially excited about two new presentations. One, the Texas Association of Black City Council Members (TABCCM) will detail their commitment to increasing contracting opportunities in the cities they serve,” noted O’Neal. “And we will roll-out details of the US Black Chambers’ ‘BLACKPrint’, a strategic plan for developing beneficial public policy from the federal, state, county and municipal levels.”
Throughout its extensive history, the concept of “Looking Back so that we can move ahead” is embodied, as TAAACC reflects some of the community’s strongest leaders in the forefront of march towards professional progression. Some of these leaders are: Odel Crawford, Reginald Gates, Jim Wyatt and even our own founder and publisher, Roy Douglas Malonson.

The Chamber will be immortalizing these members contributions to uplift and promote their communities during the Black-tie banquet. International business networking guru, George Fraser will serve as the keynote speaker,discussing how to take business to the next level.
The Texas Association of African-American Chambers of Commerce (TAAACC) is one of oldest Black business leagues in America. It was established in the mid 1920’s as a means for providing Black business owners the opportunity to participate in mainstream commerce due to being denied opportunities for membership in local chambers of commerce.
In 1926, a small group of Black businessmen in Dallas established the Dallas Negro Chamber of Commerce, today known as the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce.
In 1988, the Texas Association of Black Chambers of Commerce was officially formed and, in 1993, changed its name to the Texas Association of African American Chambers of Commerce. Since its inception, TAAACC has continued to grow in size and influence and currently represents more than 10,000 Black business chamber members throughout the state and the voice for 200,000+ Black businesses across Texas.
During its 30 plus years of existence, the Texas Association of African-American Chambers of Commerce (TAAACC) has been a leading voice in the African-American business community. It is a non-profit organization and serves as a “think tank” for its members, thereby strengthening, stimulating and providing positive advocacy, while disseminating useful data that is beneficial to African-American businesses and communities.
Since establishment, TAAACC has been a leading advocate promoting the development and enhancement of local African-American chambers of commerce, and supporting business members that represent an array of industries. As such, TAAACC interacts directly with the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government to influence public policy. TAAACC continues to be an informational and resourceful conduit to help its members thrive and prosper.
Legislative Voice
One of the organization’s most important role is to actively participate in the legislative process on behalf of African-American businesses. Therefore, in advance of each Texas Legislative Session, the legislative committee meets to finalize strategies and resolutions deemed most important to perspective constituents and the business community in general. Accordingly, TAAACC strives to identify issues that are most likely to affect the African-American business community and advocate on their behalf.
The Resolution Process
Throughout the year,TAAACC’s Board of Directors implements resolutions that are in the best interest of the organization and its members.
The Process
The Board of Directors must approve the organization’s Legislative Strategy before it can become an official objective of the organization. Upon approval, the strategy is released to key legislativeofficials who then distribute the information to the entire Texas Legislativegoverning body.
TAAACC is committed to:
* Educating the African-American communities and businesses on the importance of starting and sustaining a business.
* Ensuring that all member chambers are thoroughly informed about laws and regulations that could impact their businesses.
- Participating in the legislative process to ensure African-American businesses are treated with equal opportunities and fairness.
* Working with state and corporate allies to openly embrace diversity and inclusion.
TAAACC is a non-profitorganization whose criteria for action is determined by the objectives statedin the Mission Statement. The association interacts directly with the legislative, judicial and executive levels of government to influence policiesin accordance with the Mission Statement.
To ensure that African-American business owners receive a fair share of the economic prosperity of Texas.
To serve as a catalyst for a better quality of life in African-American communities throughout Texas.
To support policies that allow African-Americans access to economic opportunities.