HOUSTON – Without fear or favor, we declare that NEWS will be reported through an analysis of what is happening in our communities. African-American News&Issues is a reliable news source that reports on real time interviews and actual facts. We thoroughly research to make sure everything reported is valid to the best of our ability. We do not make anything up and we always give credit to where it is due.
We want the community to understand that African-American News&Issues is the voice of the people. Thus, we are here to help target, address and support the current and historical issues that are affecting our communities today. Our doors are open to anyone, including those who wish to, highlight concerns about the Black community regardless of, if it’s via scheduled meetings, email, phone, fax, USP and any other carriers that you wish to reach us by.
Please note that there is not another news source out there that can compete in reporting news the way we do as well as has adequate distribution. We will continue to allow our readers and viewers to critically think about the issues that affect them. We use the process of elimination through decision making. We present the situation from all aspects so that you can analyze the topic. We ask who, what, when, where, why and how. This method allows for the reader and viewer to critically think about the situation, and remove the non-factors that does not stand on a strong leg. Thereby, allowing the brain to exercise by thinking and considering what is best for the community. We like to call it, “fair game”! We present the material and have a strong, firm and accurate stance after gathering all details.
Also, keep in mind — White media outlets have a tendency to sugar coat things and provide information that will make the story appear juicier in the public’s eye. Whereas we strive to give the entire story from every willing side. For 20 years, we have been the power of Black Media and will continue to operate in that same fashion.
We encourage the reader to be mindful and learn how to differentiate between media sources. The difference between the Black media, African-American News&Issues and the White media is that we are not here to make anyone famous nor do we half step on our reporting game. We are here to assist in getting the Black community to get to where it needs to be by addressing factors, eliminating the non-factors and offering solutions.
Moving forward, we believe that the time has come that we should support each other. We invite out faithful and loyal readers to allow us to help you as you help us. Doing so will ensure that everyone is working toward one unified goal which would serve to solidify the strength of the Black community, family, educational system and many more varying fields.
To all the National Newspapers Publishers Association (NNPA) media, we urge you to stop talking down on publications that are not up to the standards, that you feel they should be. Because it is a noticeable fashion that not every one and every entity will operate on the same scale. Media facets should seek to focus on what needs to be done to fix the issues and get them fixed rather than attacking one another. A word of advice is to, “address what’s actual and factual and stop trying to target others, because you never really know who is there to help you”.
As far as the surrounding cites and towns, please rest assure that we are aware of what is going on in your areas. Why? Because many of them are on the outside looking in and we are on the inside looking out. So just remember, we are like Wi-fi… we are everywhere staying connected and keeping you connected. Though we owe no one an explanation, if you do research, you will find that we are more reliable than our competitors. Therefore, we are here to inform you and keep you in the loop of what is happening right before your eyes.
Continuing, for years African-American News&Issues has maintained the title of being the widest circulated and read newspaper with a Black perspective. With an inception that started out as a neighborhood publication, African-American News&Issues has multiplied into a reputable state newspaper that caters to the needs of the African-American community.
As it relates to distribution we have criss-crossed this state spreading news that relates to the Black community to keep our readers informed on a weekly basis. Since our initial existence, the circulation numbers that we possess have placed us in a class by itself. Nevertheless, we are aware that as the world continues to advance to suit the times, so must we.
Considering that this dispensation of time in the world is controlled by modern technological advances,African-American News&Issues has made a vow that we will not be left behind. Equipped with a new, improved and interactive website that is large and taking charge.
We are determined to keep our faithful and loyal readers up to date with the latest issues, trends, developments and details pertinent to the Black community.
Prior to launching our latest website, Web Developer Michael Skelton of Meekographics suggested to the African-American News&Issues staff a certain level of expectancy for the site. With a professional resume and references to compliment the work that he does, he calculated that A-AN&Iwould be at a certain rate by the end of the summer. However, after launching on December 04, 2014 and less than two months later Skelton returned to A-AN&I with a report that surpassed even his own expectations.
Firstly, A-AN&I within this short amount of time is ranked as number two in ranks, according to the Google registry for Black News. Therefore, we give our faithful and loyal readers a thumbs up because we know that if it wasn’t for everyone of you we would not be at the level, wherein we currently sit.
Additionally A-AN&I, dropped 1 million and is now ranked in the United States at 1.2 and 1.7 globally. Furthermore, we are working everyday to improve the various functions of the website, to ensure that it is attractive to our readers, sponsors, advertisers and continued supporters. A-AN&I has begun incorporating videos from our partner at the Acres Home Chamber for Business and Economic Development’s monthly business networking luncheons, covered and featured events.
Tentatively, we will be offering our readers a sneak preview into our live and exclusive interviews as well as snippets from other events that A-AN&I covers. Other enhancements that have been made to the site rest in the form of allowing patrons: the ability to comment from Facebook, Twitter and other social medias and the ability to post directly to social media outlets as posts are updated to the website.
Concluding, as we celebrate this 20th edition of service to the community and the people in it, we would like to express our sincere thanks. We appreciate our faithful and loyal readers for all of the many things that you do to make us a success. We are privileged as a publication that exists to address the current and historical realities affecting our community; to see you stop by the office to express an interest in us.
We thank you all for taking the time to read us on a weekly basis, visit our website, submit us your announcements, events and inform us of those who you believe are truly an asset to the community, we are also humbled by your continued support of our sponsors and advertisers. Therefore, as we enter into another season of reporting news the best way we know how we would like to remind our readers that, we are because you are!