HOUSTON – African-American News&Issues presents, Burnett Jackson owner of Burnett’s Package Express. Burnett Jackson hails from Kilgore, Texas. She moved to Houston in 1957. After completing high school, she attended Texas Southern University. She worked as a manager at Hartz Fried Foods and worked in the Accounting department of the Hyatt Regency. She also worked for a delivery company for a year. Equipped with a various array of skill sets acquired from her previous work experience, she was encouraged by a friend to go into business for herself. Jackson was no stranger to working hard and operating in the professional arena. So in March of 1987 she established Burnett’s Package Express. She started the business off with just one employee and throughout the course of three decades, her staff has expanded to a number of over 35 employees. In a field completely dominated by men, she has definitely made her mark in history and stands out as a business owner.
During an interview, Jackson explained that she has had her fair share of ups and downs, as it relates to owning and operating her own business. She recalled a time when she went to apply for a business loan at a financial institution. Upon sitting down to get the procedure started, she remembered that the first words out of the loan officer’s mouth were, “You have A-1 Credit!” However, apparently that was not enough. As it was, Ms. Jackson may have had all of the required prerequisites with the exception that she was not the right color, nor gender. Although she was not able to secure the loan by the means of the way that she intended to, she was still able to get a loan by putting her home up for collateral. Jackson went on to share that throughout the years she has encountered numerous incidents, especially being a Black woman. Nevertheless, she has not allowed any of the obstacles or detours to slow her down from operating as a successful entrepreneur. She rests assured that her faith in God and her volition are the motivating forces that keep her going, from day to day.
She finds that being a “hands-on” Chief Executive Officer works best for her and benefits her company the most. Though she works just as hard as her employees out in the field, she still manages to take the time to monitor the company’s customer service effectiveness. She expressed, “Making sure that customers are satisfied is a top-priority.” That is why, “developing enduring customer relationships is a primary objective” said Jackson.
To that regard, it is of no surprise that she is a leader in the industry of which she operates which includes: courier, 1 hour, local and state-wide hotshot and messenger services, Hazmat and same day delivery. Her clientele ranges from individuals to small businesses and large corporations, and each entity can expect to receive a high level of customer service.
Since its inception, Burnett’s Package Express has subscribed to a slogan which states that, “One call does it all.” Ms. Jackson is proud that the company is comprised with dedicated drivers and people who truly cherish their commitments to ensuring that deliveries are punctual and professional. She stated that, “Burnett’s Package Express can deliver anything from 0 to 24,000 pounds – so where there is a need, we will go.”
By shipping with Burnett’s Package Express one can ensure that they will: get their documents, packages and goods to business and personal destinations, when the deliveries absolutely have to be there on time. This is a guarantee that the company provides. Burnett’s has certifications by the: City of Houston Affirmative Action and Contract Compliance, Port of Houston Authority, Small Business Benefit Association and DOT 49CFR100-185 Certified. Membership affiliations include the: National Association of Women Business Owners, Greater Houston Partnership, Houston Minority Business Council and Messenger Courier Association of Americas.
Burnett Jackson has been a faithful and dedicated member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor E.V. Lightfoot for years. She has been a Sunday School teacher there as well for over ten years.
For more information about the services that Burnett’s Package Express offers contact (713) 631-5547 Office, (713) 871-5418 Cell, [email protected] Email, or visit the company’s website address at www.burnetts-express.com.