PRAIRIE VIEW – Johnson-Phillip All Faiths Chapel at Prairie View A&M University is hosting their 61stSession of the Annual Ministers’ Conference on February 5-6.
For six decades, Bishops, Pastors, Elders, Ministers, Christians and Friends from the state of Texas and beyond have come both far and near to convene on these two days to be empowered and enlightened on theological insights and ecumenical fellowship.
The theme for this year’s conference is, “Effective Strategies for Preaching, Teaching, & Reaching in these Changing Times.” The conference chairs are Reverend Brenda Payne, Presiding Elder, South Houston District Texas Annual Conference African Methodist Episcopal Church and Co-Chair, Reverend Sean J. Nickelberry, Pastor, Wolridge African Methodist Episcopal Church, of Houston.

Charles H. Lewter, IV who presently serves as the third dean of the chapel will be celebrating 25-years of service at Prairie View A&M University. Lewter’s vision for the chapel has always been to create an atmosphere and ministry of inclusivity and diversity among students, faculty, and staff. He believes, “the opportunity to pour spiritual knowledge into young people’s lives is worthy of the cause in making a difference as they become productive people in a global society.”
The chapel’s motto “Empowering Students through Faith, Education and Service” sets the trajectory for students to look beyond themselves and contribute in making a difference for a better humanity and peaceful society. We must remember that there is still work to be done to break down barriers of sexism, classism, racism for purposeful ministry to be experienced.
For more information about the conference call (936) 261-3592 or visit
Founding Fathers

Reverend Lee Cato Phillip served as the first dean of the chapel, totaling more than 40 years. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Prairie View College. He furthered his educational experience at Howard University and earned a Master of Theology. Also, Reverend Phillip completed some post graduate studies at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, New York. While serving as dean of the chapel, Reverend Phillip taught classes in the areas of Philosophy and Negro History. Reverend Phillip retired from Prairie View A&M University in 1969.
He was known as a prolific orator. Under his leadership students, faculty and staff were inspired and encouraged to be the best in their field of discipline. He encouraged people to achieve beyond their potential.

Reverend Johnson served as the second Dean of the chapel for 35 years. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Livingston College in Salisbury, North Carolina.
He furthered his education by earning a Bachelor of Theology degree from Capital Seminary in Columbus, Ohio. His dream became a reality when he initiated a $1.2 million dollar building campaign for the edifice which is named in his honor.
He taught classes in the area of Sociology. His motto for living was “Live one day at a time and take one step at a time. Do all you can in one day and live life to the fullest.”