Y the Transgender Hatred? Y the LGBT Hatred?

Right wing politicians and duplicitous religious leaders are surfacing and demonizing trans and LGBT citizens. Dictionary.com has a definition of duplicity that I want to use. Duplicity is the practice of intentionally misleading people, by saying different things to different people or acting in different ways at different times. Brain freeze has led these leaders to declare their opposition to a non-binary world. The velocity of life coupled with our poor cognitive and social skills has driven us to double down on the weak and vulnerable classes while allowing the real culprits a get out of jail free. Often our first response to a suppressed reality is DENIAL. Gay, LGBT in our religious institutions is often the worst kept secret in the church and community. I am truly upset. I have been insisting that we must solve all murders.  Ninety (90) recorded murders of trans people over the past two years in the country. Texas is behind Florida and Ohio in the solving of trans murders. The Texas legislature is full of fake straight legislators seeking to disenfranchise and marginalize trans people with dozens of restrictive bills. How does the climate become so hateful that in America, out of many one, e pluribus Unum, that biologically determined traits terrify us to attack children because they are other than straight? There is a straight line from hate speech to the murder of Matthew Shepherd to the murder of James Byrd. Perhaps we peer back into history. Shepherd was a 22-year-old gay college student who was beaten and tortured to death in Wyoming. His assailants were motivated by anti-gay sentiment. It is very probable that they had heard ‘fire and brimstone” sermons and listened to toxic speech by leaders in print and electronic media. Many pundits who have had a platform have reached into the Old Testament and characterized non-binary people as “Sodomites” deserving of murder and other atrocities. Without “theological hair-splitting” My straight-line logic leads me to conclude that the same hate that led to the killing of Matthew Shepherd bled over into the killing of James Byrd. Congress concluded that there was a linkage between the […]

Y the Transgender Hatred? Y the LGBT Hatred? Read More »